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Installing In a New Light 

By Angela Fuller, Assistant Registrar/Curatorial Assistant

In preparation for the Taft Museum of Art's Bicentennial Infrastructure Project, Taft staff moved nearly 500 artworks, including paintings, sculptures, furniture, and decorative arts objects, out of the permanent collection galleries in the historic house over the course of six weeks. Our team consisted of four collections department staff members, four professional art handlers, plus four Taft employees cross-trained from other museum departments. We installed over 80 objects in the Taft's Fifth Third Gallery for the exhibition In a New Light: Treasures from the Taft, transported nearly 50 pieces to the Cincinnati Museum Center for Borrowed Gems from the Taft Museum of Art with the help of a professional art shipper, and packed the remainder to be stored off view for the duration of the project. Click on each photo for the full story of what went on behind the scenes!

Angela Fuller, Assistant Curator

About the author

Angela Fuller, Assistant Curator

As the Taft Museum of Art’s assistant curator, Angela Fuller is involved in planning the museum’s temporary exhibitions as well as research and interpretation of the permanent collection. She has curated several exhibitions at the Taft, most recently Built to Last: The Taft Historic House at 200. Angela earned a BA in art history and a BFA in studio art at the University of Louisville in 2011, then completed a master’s degree in art history and museum studies at Case Western Reserve University in 2013. She interned at the Cincinnati Art Museum and the Cleveland Museum of Art before joining the Taft in 2016. Angela lives in Northern Kentucky with her two kiddos and miniature dachshund.

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